Your child can use any peg in the cloakroom for their coat and bag. A photo of them can be placed above the chosen peg. The child, carers and staff can then easily identify which belongings are your child’s. Ensure all belongings are clearly labelled as we have a lot of identical items.
Please do not leave any items in your child’s bag such as creams or inhalers that other children should not have access to.
Please discourage your child from bringing toys from home, we have nowhere to store them and children get upset if they are lost in Pre-School or leave them behind.
On arrival for their session, your child will have a name card and they should stick this to the board.
You will wait in the playground to collect your child, standing where they will able to see you. A member of staff will stand at the exit to ensure no child leaves without their carer. Please ensure you are on time as children can become distressed if a parent is not there when the story room doors open. If you are delayed please phone us so we can reassure your child you are on your way. Persistent lateness will incur a fee.
Please ensure you have signed your child out again on the register which is located in the parent area. There is an additional sheet to fill in if anyone is going to collect your child on a one off basis.
Each child has a named drawer and staff will check it at the end of every session for letters and belongings that need to come home.
If you are unexpectedly unable to collect your child we ask that you telephone us to inform us of the details of the person you have authorised to collect your child on your behalf. When that person arrives at Pre-School we will ask them for the password, agreed with your keyperson when your child starts Pre-School. We will not allow anyone to collect your child without following these agreed procedures.